About Me

Note: If you have any questions about a pattern of mine, please email me directly. This is the best way to ensure I receive your question. While I am a member of Ravelry, I cannot guarantee being able to respond to Ravelry-messages in a timely manner, depending on the week.



I’m also on Instagram and Twitter. I am GlennaC on Ravelry.


My name is Glenna, and I live in Toronto, Ontario. I make time for knitting and blogging in my spare time when I am not working at my full-time job. Currently I make my living as a writer for a not-for-profit organization.

I’ve been blogging since 2005, knitting since 2004, and enjoy both very much. I became a knitter many years ago while studying for my PhD, as a form of stress relief and distraction. I finished the PhD and kept on knitting anyway.

I love knitting. It has brought a lot of great projects and people into my life and my best advice to any knitter at any stage, is to keep knitting and to knit the things you want to knit. Keep knitting, and you will get better at it, and soon you’ll be helping new knitters do the same thing.

My Blog

I’ve been blogging for many years and I love writing about my projects and the occasional piece of knitting knowledge or knitting designs of my own. I choose my blog content based on my personal interest and the current goings-on in my life.

Please note that direct requests to post certain content, advertising, or promotion of other websites may not receive a response. I receive almost-daily requests of this nature and it is simply not possible for me to respond to all of them. I thank you for your understanding.

I do not accept guest posts at this time.

I am not able to respond to requests for general knitting help. If you need help with a knitting project or general advice for your own guidance please consider using an online search using your preferred search engine and keywords, your local knitting guilds, knitting shops, classes & workshops, or friendly knitting circles in your own area. There are many, many, many helpful resources out there, both online and in person.


All words, images, and original patterns posted on this blog are the property of Glenna C unless otherwise noted, and may not be directly reproduced elsewhere online without permission.  If you would like to “pin” a blog post of mine on Pinterest you may do so provided it clearly links back to the original blog post.

My sort of blogging Mission Statement.

Page last updated September 6, 2016.


  1. Dear Glenna,
    It was nice to meet you this evening at Lettuce Knits. Everyone was so very friendly and no one told me to hush…even though I was talking too much. I ended up with a kit for theat sweater Laura was making and two skeins of Dream in Color for yet some more socks.
    Good luck with your thesis–and your Jazz socks.
    I can’t believe you made Luna. (No lace for me…that’s for sure.) I read the pattern once. That’s it though.
    Night night,
    Robin from Nashville

  2. Oops, of course I meant Jaywalker. But “Jazz” sounds like a great name for a pair of socks anyway.

  3. Hello dear knitter,

    there is a very funny short movie, a finnish one, called “the last knit”. You really, really should see it if you don’t know it yet. The filmmaker is Laura Neuvonen.


  4. I’m trying to branch out my knitting this year… so far its been a lot of scarfs and a hat – all fairly boring and straight forward. I too must make time for graduate studies. I enjoyed your blog and your pictures… they’ve left me feeling inspired.

  5. Peg the Stash Buster · ·

    I’m new to Toronto, and am enjoying hunting down yarn shops, drooling over all the pretty handpainted sockyarns in LettusKnits, and getting lost in the back rooms of Romni. Unfortunately, I’m broke for the summer and am relying on my limited stash to keep me going. (which is the subject of my own blog. stashbusterknitting.wordpress.com. I am hoping that once the fall hits and I am free to make money again, I can get involved in a knitting group or something. Any suggestions?
    Your patters and gorgeous, by the way. I need to do some serious sock knitting.

  6. Any chance you went to Westdale?

  7. Hi Glenna,
    I wanted to contact you about arranging a private steeking class. I cannot make both of the purple purl classes and I have a sweater that’s mostly finished and I’m having trouble following the steeking instructions. Can you email me at michelle@chefdemaison.ca or call me 416-889-9420.

    Thanks in advance

  8. Jessica Jung · ·

    I have a charity story idea for your blog (which is wonderful by the way).

    Knitting Parlor owner in Los Angeles, Debbie Charton and her customers have just returned from a trip to Kenya where they worked with local orphanages to hand out over 200 handmade sweaters, blankets and hats to newborns and orphans living with HIV.

    The work so inspired the ladies that they devote a section of each of their knitting classes to knitting for charity.

    I have more photographs from the recent trip if you’d like to feature the story on your site.

    If you’d like more information email me jessica@kahnmedia.com or call me at the number below.

    Jessica Jung
    Kahn Media

  9. Hi,

    I did a search on knitting blogs and you came out at the top of the list. I love the photography on your blog. I just started a WordPress blog last night and could not figure out how to put photos on there. What theme did you use? Any advice and guidance is highly appreciated!!


  10. michelle · ·

    When searching for blogs, it was the name that caught me… for knitting really did keep me sane, when I got laid off, (last Aug) and my husband was hit with a cancer diagnoises in the same week. He was already on disability due to Parkensons. I had just learned to knit, just a barely garter stitch wash cloth, but I figured if I could make yarn into cloth… I could get through anything.

    It has helped keep me sane, helped me meet the most supportive women I have ever known, and although we still fight the battle and I am still looking for work, I am just putting together my first “v” neck sweater. Then I will do the job search somemore, (still looking). But my knitting is great, my 16 year old is amazing and my husband and I are still here, life is great.

    Thanks for your blog


  11. […] 12, 2010 So, there’s this blog I read occasionally:  Knitting to Stay Sane.  I like it.  I think it’s well-written, and entertaining, and sometimes, I learn a thing […]

  12. hi can i sign up to follow blog?

  13. Jeanne Baldwin · ·

    Please subscribe me to your blog. It is fantastic.

  14. As others have said before me, I really like your blog, photography, and projects. Thanks for the time well spent.

  15. I just want to say you are a fantastic knitter. Love your blog! I may need to get those knitting needles and yarn out once again?

  16. I love your blog sooo much! I have it linked to my blog as a Favorite Knitting Blog (http://knittingwithkarma.blogspot.com/), and have received many comments about how cool you are. I hope that’s cool with you. Since we’re just down in Buffalo, maybe we could plan an event for my readers and yours sometime…

  17. Hello there,
    Maybe it went wrong:
    My husband is looking for a double breasted (beige) shawl collar cardigan with four buttons.
    He once saw it made in Malta from the wool of gozo sheep.
    I googled all those words and got here on your site. Could you help me find a pattern, or a place to buy this work of art?
    Best wishes from Annemiek

  18. Hello there –

    I’m afraid I can’t help with this specific sweater in particular, but I do have a recent blog post about finding patters through the internet which may help you:

    How to find knitting patterns on the internet

    Best of luck, Glenna

  19. Glenna B · ·

    Thoroughly enjoyed visiting your blog — very informative and entertaining!

  20. Just forgot to check the subscribe option.

  21. Love your blog and your friendly attitude.

  22. Liz McReynolds · ·

    Hi, I just discovered your blog when I followed your link from the ipod gloves you designed. I then realized that we were in the same class at Vogue Knitting Live with Anne Hanson. I remember you from the beautiful sweater you had on! I really enjoy your blog and will continue to follow it. I just heard of a book called Clara and Mr. Tiffany, by Suzanne Vreeland. It tells the true story of the woman who worked for him making and designing the lamps for many years. She had to give up alot to continue working for him (never allowed to marry). I haven’t read it but thought it sounded really good. I’m sorry I missed the opportunity to meet you, maybe next year!

  23. I just wanted to say how impressed I am with your blog! Wonderfully written and thoroughly interesting 🙂

  24. Just discovered your blog and I love reading it. You have a great way with words and it’s very entertaining.

    personalized knitting and crochet labels
    care labels

  25. First time reader. Loved your blog. Please keep writing!

  26. Gina Joyce · ·

    Love your blog!

  27. Cindy · ·

    Please put me on your list a subscriber:) Thank you

  28. Diana Colt · ·

    Hi, I just found your blog and I love it. I would love to be a follower but I don’t know how to do that, could you add me to your list of subscribers?
    thank you so much

  29. Stephanie Shoemaker · ·

    Would love to follow your blog!

  30. Leila Santos · ·

    Hi, Glenna. Can I follow your blog?

  31. Juanita Blosser · ·

    I like your blog best of all the ones I have read. Your pictures are beautiful.

  32. Y'vonne Cutright · ·

    It’s fascinating to read all the comments here. I agree, this is a great blog. Your contribution to knitting is wonderful and helpful to many knitters – thanks for taking the time and giving the energy.

  33. Hi!

    I’m in the UK studying for my Master’s in Clinical Massage … knitting is my sanity also. Having only started knitting this year and am still on basic scarves and socks, your blog will be a happy relaxation read as I travel between class and my study, (which is now turning into a stash room for all my yarn and fabric!).

    Many thanks 🙂


  34. Hello! I’m new to the knitting blog world and I found yours to be really good! Cool pics and nice knitted things. How do you subscribe?

  35. Denise McClendon · ·

    Your knitting came up after searching I Google “knitting blog” and hit I’m feeling lucky. After reading your Bio and last post, I will follow you too.

  36. Hi Glenna,

    I just started reading you blog and I love it. (Something you probably hear all of the time). I had started my own knitting blog and was looking around to see if others had two. I love the 12 in 12 idea that you wrote about in your latest post and would like to mention it on my blog. Would it be okay if I added a hyperlink to your post so that my readers will know where it came from?

  37. Hi Glenna! Your blog is amazing! im 19 years old from South Africa,i knit myself, im nowhere near as good as you, but maybe someday! my focus of late has been for charity. have you ever heard of knit-a-square? we basically knit squares and put them together for the homeless et all! its what has kept me knitting! im looking forward to making something more exciting though, squares get kind of boring after a while! Lovely blog xx

  38. Hello Glenna!

    I haven’t seen you mention this so I wanted to ask – What is your profession? What is it that takes up most of your day? I am married with 2 kids…I mean dogs and work about 50hrs/week. I would love to get into knitting more so I can teach myself to make your amazingly cabled knits but am intimidated by my lack of skills and am limited by time. I just wanted to know how you found time to learn and now create full collections of knits.
    Thank you for your time and creating this great blog!
    Also what patterns or types of patterns would you recommend to do in order as a leveling guide to help newbies progress and learn new skills to become an “expert” knitter the most efficient way?
    Thanks again!
    ~ Candice

  39. Walkablefeast · ·

    Glenna (assuming that’s your real name!) Thanks for helping my slightly less blind self find some DPs this afternoon. When I’m not knitting (ok, and working), I’m cooking. Cheers, Megann

  40. Love your blog. Keep up the great work!! I have your site bookmarked so I can keep tabs on you. I would say I’m an intermediate knitter. My biggest problem is fixing mistakes. Still need lots of help on that. Maybe you could blog some pointers.

  41. glcdesignsfordogs · ·

    Love your site. Being a Ph.D. student myself, I knit for exactly the same reasons *to keep myself sane*.

  42. I just found your blog and I am so glad I did.

  43. loulouandlillybean · ·

    Hello from Wiscconsin……I just finished my first ever two socks on one circular needle………what a hoot! I love this way of making socks and have become slightly addicted! Just found your blog and I love your thought process!!!!!! I’ll be back for more 🙂

  44. You were awarded the Blog on Fire award! In retun you need to list eight things about yourself or your pets and send the award onto eight other blogs who you feel are on fire.

  45. Hello! So glad I found you on here – anyone who doesn’t just knit but cuts a steek on a bus…MUCH respect

  46. Maggie May · ·

    Can anyone tell me what ‘cutting a steek’ is? Haven’t heard of this in England, or is it just me?

  47. Hi Maggie –

    A steek is a panel that is later cut, allowing the knitter to work in the round but later still have gaps in the garment. This is often used for fair isle colour work projects: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steek

    The Shetland knitters of ‘old’ would have used this technique prolifically! 😉


  48. Louise Snitz · ·

    I was wondering what your Ph.D. was in.

  49. Cheryl Collins · ·

    Recently discovered your blog and am loving it. I was particularly interested in your post on not being a beginning knitter anymore, because I have embarrassingly realized that though it must be at least 40 years since I learnt to knit, I am in many ways still a beginner and this must change. I confess that I am actually a quilter who knits, because for me its all about the colour ( why yes, I am English actually) and it is difficult to take your sewing machine/design wall/cutting table out and about with you. So, when I learnt to knit patterns seemed to be all bottom up, and you just followed the instructions and knitted it. I can cable and do simple colourwork but adjusting the pattern fit etc. are skills I have not yet attempted to master which is stupid when I have short arms and now that the sloppy joe sweaters of my youth fit me rather too well ( advance warning btw please do not buy Noro silk garden in gorgeous shades of red in your late forties when you get there, now my face spends much time in hot flushes the sweater I recently finished had to be given to a younger friend). Anyway, this is rather rambly, like the commenter above I too wonder what your Phd is in but now I must get back to where I left you, in the middle of 2010 and marvel again at the fact that I just taught myself yo and then read about you discovering you were doing it wrong on your blog. I absolutely forgive you for the 5 knitting books I have ordered since starting to read this blog and look forward to your continuing adventures.

  50. You have been nominated for the Beautiful Blogger Award by Cathy from http://expattery.wordpress.com. Please see her page for your nomination and award image. This is really just a way for bloggers to promote their blog and the blogs of others, so please spread the love.

  51. Hi Glenna and all you knitting friends, from a non knitter I just wanted to see what anyone would look for in their ideal knitting bag design? Lots of pockets for different wools and needles? or just a beautifully designed bag to carry around and be proud of?

  52. please I need to talk to some one because I need help with a patter thank you

  53. Glenna, I just found your blog and I am glad I did. I am researching for a blog on the art of knitting and your web site will help with some questions I have.
    Thank you
    Take Care

  54. Glenna, i so enjoyed going through your blog. Was just checking out the little sandal socklets and was utterly distracted by your blog and knitting adventures, photography, friends, writing, pictures and of course food. i went through all the way back to 2006!! I barely got any work done today. Though I lean right, it’s nice to find considerable overlap in our love for knitting.

  55. Well I have to say that I love the name!!! Love the sandal straps to prevent blisters – great idea 🙂 I am guessing these were born out of bad experience!

  56. Hello, I enjoy reading through your article post.
    I wanted to write a little comment to support you.

  57. Wow, this piece of writing is good, my sister is analyzing these things, so
    I am going to let know her.

  58. Just come across your blog and really like it!

  59. giovonnia vaughan · ·

    Dear Glenna;

    It’s a raining day here in NYC and I decied to take this day to read all the kniting blogs I want! I enjoyed yours. I too am a sock knitter. Lately I have been knitting many washclothes. I don’t know but I like doing them. I like your writing on sock knitting. It’s wonderful. I enjoyed your blog.

  60. Dear Knitting To Stay Sane,
    I just built http://www.knitfreepattern.com, If you ever want to share advertising let me know!

  61. Hi Glenna, I really enjoy your blog, so i’m nominating you for a blog award 🙂

  62. I payy a quick visit aily some web sites aand websites to read articles or reviews,
    but this website presents quality bassed posts.

  63. I have just started my Christmas knitting, and not a moment too soon, as I am making Seed stitch hoodie for my daughter, and a Cowichan pullover for her partner. And, I think DH is hoping for a new sweater (don’t think I can get by with just new socks…And for myself, I am auditioning Burrard and High St Cardigans for some B&L Regal yarn that is taking up room in my stash. So many projects, so little time; and I’m retired!

  64. “love knitting,running, yoga,cooking, reading, and I lean to the left” Me too! and I am never without my knitting. I always have 2 projects going at an given time. Yep, this blog is for me.

  65. We are collecting 50s/60s blankets and a lot of people use our pictures as templates for knitting or crochet their own blankets. Feel free to ask us for more detailed pictures from our collection: http://blanketcoll.blogspot.de/
    Have fun 🙂

  66. Hi Glenna, I too knit to keep my sanity. I started when I was 12 and kept on going. As a nurse, I found that I needed something to reduce my stress and knitting fit the bill. Great blog and lovely patterns and yarn. Looking forward to following your blog.

  67. Great blog! I love it, I’m going to use it and share it with others:))) Thanks!

  68. Hi Glenna, I just linked to your blog in my post (http://eatmakeinspire.com/2015/06/01/knitting-and-mindfulness-a-simple-baby-blanket). I have recently picked up knitting again to be mindful and I think it’s working. Cheers and keep up the good work! x A

  69. Darlene Forcier · ·

    I have a nook that has a pattern of a WestDale cardigan it’s a hoody and I am on the pattern I think I am doing it wrong my email address is poohbear0855@hotmail.com

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