
Yesterday I had to part ways with my laptop and give it over to the repair people. It’s having the same problem as a year ago, where it turns itself off without warning – no shut down sequence, just ::click:: ::black screen of doom:: – and at that time the problem was the fan overheating and needing replacing. They say it could be 2 weeks before I get it back. ::SOB:: (My baby! My BABY!) Oh, and did I also mention my DVD player is broken, too? This is making my evening life very unfortunate. (Thankfully, I have an external hard drive with important files and computer access on campus. If I didn’t, these would be very real tears.)

Thankfully x2 there is one laptop still in the household, so hopefully I’ll still be able to take pics at the TTC Knitalong on Saturday and upload ’em afterwards. But nevertheless, it’s hard times here at Knitting to Stay Sane. I guess this means I’ll actually have to do, oh, work.

In the meantime, though, I simply must know how to make these, the most awesome cupcakes known to knitter-kind. (Thanks to Marianne for the link!)

Is it Saturday yet?


  1. Here you go, sweetheart,

    I’m sorry the important machines have broken down, but at least you DO have such a sweet sister who shares her laptop!

    Have a great weekend!

  2. I am all about a yummy cupcake. And that one, perfectly scrumptious looking on so many levels!

  3. That cupcake link is too cute. The one in the second picture on the upper right (with the live stitches) makes my heart beat with nervous ferocity, though. Even though it’s just a cupcake.

    I’m mostly commenting though because I saw your sidebar, and it looks like we’ve both started Jaywalkers recently!

  4. Those cupcakes are cute. They wouldn’t be if I tried to make them.

    I’ll keep your laptop in my thoughts.

  5. Loved your purple Luna so much that I went to look for it on the site and couldn’t find it! Then I reread your post which said you’d had it since last summer………sob,sob,sob…….. I will have to keep checking back!

  6. Oh no!! *hugs* I know the feeling, I had to do that earlier this year, I’m still not sure I like my new one, but at least no black screen of death.