Tag Archives: knitting knowledge

Blast from the past

This week I’ve been spending some time sorting out some small ‘invisible corners‘ in my bookshelves, pulling out books that I don’t need or use anymore, and ditching papers that don’t need to stick around. There are a couple of shelves of knitting stuff in this area that I haven’t touched in years. Friends, I […]

Five knitting books I hope you have on your shelf

More and more we live in an electronic world, and there are about a million and one digital places that we can go to locate knitting knowledge, patterns, tutorials, and ideas. If you’re like me, chances are you have a lot of things like this in your browser bookmarks, and know which ones you refer […]

New Pathways

Yesterday I made good use of my current schedule-less schedule to head into Toronto for Cat Bordhi’s class at Lettuce Knit. She is slotted to teach at the Sock Summit and her full-day ‘New Pathways’ class based on her sock architectures book is one of the ones I was anxious to take. So, when Lettuce […]