
Oof, I’ve been a bad blogger this week – in both the reading and the writing sense. I’ve spent the last 3 days in a row being a Toronto commuter and learning what that’s all about, and let me tell you I don’t know how people manage to do it 5 days a week every week! The getting up at 6am is a new thing for me. My hope is that I’ll only need to go in 2-3 days a week, and not necessarily consecutively, to do what I need to do. I’ll be kept busy on campus quite a bit in September with non-Thesis work as the year starts up again. But damn, I still have to get that draft done. Only smidgeons of writing have gotten through this week (although some is better than none). Can I put through the effort to make this Friday count? Time shall tell that tale…My brain has so far been in a haze all morning.

Knitting, though a bit slower, has been decent this week. I’m almost done block #4 on the Moderne Log Cabin, and it’s taking shape nicely:


It’s going to be super warm and cozy. I’d like to have the fifth block started by the weekend, and I might also just indulge my start-itis and cast on something else for the heck of it. I’ve got more projects on the brain, and itchy fingers. Yesterday a package also arrived for me which is making me think and scratch my head a bit. Way back in July I signed up for the Sweet Sheep’s sock club, as a birthday present to myself. It’s a 3-month set of monthly sock kits, and I thought I’d give it a try since I’ve never done a sock club before and this one was short enough just to get a taste of what it’s like.


The pattern is simple but attractive, and I’ll be happy to give that a try. The yarn is the Sweet Sheep’s ‘Sweet Socks’ in a semi-solid called ‘Shamrock’. It’s a nice soft superwash merino/nylon blend, it’s got great yardage (430yds) and is dyed beautifully…but it’s bright green. I have to say that if I were picking out colours for myself, this wouldn’t be something I’d pick. So, hmm. I definitely won’t be knitting this up for myself, so it’s a matter of deciding whether I’ll knit something up as a gift for someone else. I’ll let it sit and percolate.

And on that note…I’ve got the rest of the morning and I haven’t had my tea yet. I should write. I need to write. Of course, what I would like to do is watch Pride and Prejudice for the bazillionth time, or knit, or read recipes, or have a nap….But I should write. I’ll percolate on that, too, while I drink tea and contemplate my new blanket in progress.

Happy Friday!


  1. wiscjennyann · ·

    Wow, the blanket is speeding along! Love the colors. I am totally with you on the wanting to knit, watch P&P and generally vegetate. This whole “back into the swing of the semester” is not really working out too well for me… Good luck!

  2. that blanket is just flying! love the colors – very warm and wintery!

  3. 6 am??? That’s insane. I heard on the news today that a medical study was done and early risers (before 5 am) are more likely to have heart problems.

  4. Your blanket looks better than mine, Glenna. I’m off to have a grump…

    I’m also not keen on too bright a green. ‘Apple’ is the only shade of green I can cope with.

    And 6am? Hey, doesn’t everyone get up at that time? Top o’ the mornin’ to ya!

  5. Well, it’s evening now, did you write?
    Your blanket is beautiful!
    yeah…6am is nearly ‘sleeping in’, heh…..(that green IS bright!)

  6. I hope you made progress of some sort with your writing!

    That is truly suuuume green…I am sure you will think of the perfect recipient though…it is a wacky and cheerful green.

    I think I may have to do the log cabin at some point. I have seen a few over the past couple of months and they look great when all done….perhaps I can make it a stash buster project. But not til Kiri and Little Red are done. πŸ˜‰

    All this cool breeze is making me yearn to bake…mmmm cupcakes. I am dying to try the cosmo recipe.

    Happy Stitching!

  7. Some writing is definately better than none.

    The blanket looks great, but how are you working on it in all this heat?! Even in the a/c I can’t contemplate it.

    That’s a very bright green…

  8. nice progress on the blanket! it looks so soft and drapey!

    as for the socks — it’s a shame it’s not your color because it’s looks like it’s been dyed *so well*. but i understand your perspective. if i got yellow sock yarn i just don’t think i could bring myself to wear it.

  9. Luuuuuv the blanket colors! I dig the bright green sock yarn. Maybe it’s not your favorite, but I figure if there’s anywhere you can wear outlandish colors, it’s your feet, right?

    (And by the way, 6am is about average for us here. Not that it’s my choice…that’s just what happens with a toddler in the house!)

  10. Wow that green really is bright. Wear your green socks under some ankle boots perhaps?
    Love how the log cabin is looking, and don’t envy your long commute.

  11. Your blanket is going to be super cozy. I’m lovin’ the colors so far. I’m with you on the green yarn. It’s very bright. Do you have any gifts for kids you plan on making? Maybe socks or even a baby sweater would be cute.

    I hope you progressed a little on you writing. Even a little is progress. It eventually adds up. πŸ™‚