Monthly Archives: January 2008

I am knitting socks

Since this morning I haven’t been able to stop feeling chilly, have sneezed more times than I can count, and I am afeared that The Cold that has been circulating has finally reached me. I’ve managed to do the bare minimum of things that could qualify as ‘work’, and since it’s officially mid-afternoon I have […]


Monday, Monday, Monday. I know you have to come every week, but honestly this is starting to get annoying. Are you sure you and Sunday can’t work out some kind of a truce? At any rate, nothing distracts from Monday-dom like cutting up some knitting, am I right? 😉 I was so flattered and warm-fuzzied […]


I’m glad it meets with her approval. But it does still need buttons. 😉 In other news, I was very generously gifted with this ‘make my day’ blogger token from MJM Knitting, and Queen of the Froggers. Thank you so much! D’awwww. And the blog-iverse demands that I pass it on, so without further ado […]

Making the most of it

I discovered today that one piece of my Rhinebeck experience that I had totally forgotten about – being captured on camera by the LetsKnit2gether podcast – has now hit the airwaves 😉 So if you head over there you can see about 30 seconds of me in the blogger meetup segment. But more than that […]

Making friends with steeks

I want to thank everyone for the comments on my socks in the previous post – they have brought me much cheer and encouragement! The pattern file is open once again and I am going to get back to it in short order. In the meanwhile, though, I finally have this Finished Object to show […]

This is the story of a pair of socks

I’d like to offer proof-of-life photos and reassure you that yes indeed, the vest has been steeked, finished, and is still alive, but the darned bugger is still damp from blocking and I haven’t been able to get it on to photograph yet. Soon. Soon. It’s cold and it’s vest-wearing time and that Ivy League […]

Oh yeah, baby.

Steekin’ time.

Snuggling inside the lines

Phew. Saturday is finally here, and my life force is still intact. Beatrice approves greatly of the Moderne Log Cabin blanket. Apparently the pale blue block is best for snuggly observation of humans. And also playing and general cuteness. Sleeping is not colour-specific, but it helps to have toys close by. So in “finally it’s […]

New year, new sleeves

Something I’ve been meaning to do for a long time is provide a modified set of instructions for the sleeves on Ivy. Out there on the interwebs one common concern I’ve heard about the pattern is that many knitters would prefer a slimmer sleeve than the one in the original pattern. So, at long last, […]

Cling to the knitting

The combination of events in the coming week is making me more stressed out than I’ve been in a long time. Mostly, I just want it to be next Friday afternoon already! So if you are a ‘send thoughts via the internet’ sort of person, I could sure as heck use some. Additionally, I am […]