Looking back, looking forward

Knitting-wise, 2009 was a fairly expansive year for me. I didn’t do everything that I wanted to do (somehow I thought I would have produced more than 5 sweaters…pardon me while I polish my ambition), but I did do quite a bit. I delved into pattern sale publishing for the first time with the Viper Pilots socks, and now more than a hundred other knitters have been tortured challenged by that pattern just as I challenged myself to produce them. I taught a knitting class for the first time, and attended many others thanks to the wondrous event that the Sock Summit was. I saw myself published in print for the first time, in Canadian Living magazine. I started partnering with Canadian dyers Tanis and Michelle for some design collaborations, and look forward to working with them again in 2010. I learned to spin and purchased my own wheel. It’s been a good year as far as fiber crafts go.

Every year I do a roundup of my Finished Objects, and every year it always feels a bit like the year end comes too soon, like…wait! I wasn’t done yet! I had at least 3 more pairs of socks and half a sweater left in me! Come back, 2009! But the calendar must tick over as it always does, and as we’re not quite a full week into 2010, I still feel good putting up a few images here for posterity – not a complete list this time, as this time I like letting some of the bright pictures just speak for themselves. Thanks for the knits, 2009.

2009 Knitting

The Finished Objects of 2009 (a few of which still need proper photographing) reel in at 13 accessories (mitts, hats, scarves), 4 shawls, 6 sweaters (if you count the baby-sized one from my steeking class, heh heh), and 16 pairs of socks, for a total of 39 finished objects. This is a few more than I accomplished in 2009, but becoming more broadly spread out – fewer sweaters but more accessories and a couple more shawls than last year. I think I need to finally divest myself of my assumption that I am a ‘sweater knitter’ and recognize that I am an ‘anything that challenges me the right way’ sort of knitter.

I also took up spinning this past year (that is, on a wheel), and I realize with a start that it has been a few weeks since I’ve even touched my poor Majacraft Little Gem. It would be a shame to waste the momentum I had coming through the summer and fall as I started to get the hang of the whole process. Let’s make that a goal for 2010: dedicated spinning time.

2009 Spinning

It seems hard to believe that the Sock Summit is now more than 5 months in the past. It was pretty darned awesome and I am glad that I have that set of memories to look back on for 2009. I met so many wonderful knitters there and feel lucky to have been a part of that experience. Thank you again, Stephanie and Tina and your colleagues, you are awesome.

Sock Summit 2009

Thanks for some good stuff, 2009. Here’s hoping 2010 has even better things ahead.


  1. Wow! Good luck topping that 2010! Discovering your blog and befriending you was definitely one of my 2009 knitting high-lights! Can’t wait to see what 2010 has in store!

  2. Wow, you make pretty stuff. πŸ™‚

  3. Wow! What an awesome year for you! You knitted some beautiful projects. Can’t wait to see what 2010 has in store! πŸ™‚

  4. You just simply rock. πŸ™‚ Beautiful stuff, and lots of it! I am in awe.

    My goals for 2010 include finishing more than one sweater, and making the ones I finish actually fit. (Since I got to try on a sample of the one I have waiting to start for me, I’m fairly confident things will work out. Assuming I can get gauge. The one for the husband? Well….at least I have access to him on a regular basis! πŸ™‚

  5. Your FOs, designs and handspun are all absolutely stunning! You are one talented lady.

    I plan on having Viper Pilots challenge me this year since 2010 is all about ME! I’ve been dying to start that pattern but I got so swept up in the gift knitting – and I wasn’t going to give those away. No way, no how!

    Can’t wait to see what you come up with next! πŸ˜€

  6. Oh, you’ve made so many pretty things! Thanks for sharing them.

  7. It was so fun to meet you at Sock Summit! I still covet your stripey knee-high socks. Happy 2010!

  8. You make 2009 look pretty darn good. All the best in 2010.

  9. I think you did very well in 2009 – your work is lovely!I hope you have an awesome 2010.

  10. It’s funny – Sock Summit, and buying and learning to use my Little Gem were the fibre highlights of my 2009! Is that a Venezia Pullover I spy in the collage? Wow! That’s one I want to do sometime.

  11. A happy knitting year indeed – hope 2010 is a good one for you

  12. I feel privileged to be included in your Sock Summit collage. Sock Summit was definitely a highlight for me, and meeting so many fabulous people, including you was part of what made it so special. I will be joining you in the quest to spin more this year. I bought mostly fiber at Sock Summit, and have only spun up ONE bump!

  13. Some gorgeous FOs and beautiful yarn there. You’ve had a good year.

    And I still intend to join the ranks of Viper Pilots knitters at some stage!

  14. As a new knitter/fiber freak in 2009 your projects have been wonderful to read about. Good luck with 2010!

  15. Some very amazing accomplishments indeed. Have a great 2010!

  16. Happy New Year. You have done so much in 2009 & I am sure you will achieve much more in 2010.

  17. Wow. I am really impressed. I never get anything near this amount completed. I finish a pair of socks and I think I’m the knitting queen! In 2010 I have many projects in mind mainly due to the fact that my beloved local knitting store is closing (sob!) and I find myself in the possession of a lot of yummy new yarn. You will be my inspiration!