When one fair isle project just isn’t enough.

So, yeah. I’m totally cheating on Venezia.


I’ll return to you, Venezia, I’ll totally go back to you tomorrow night, I swear. It’s not my fault that ‘Glowing’ goes so fast on larger needles and is so bright it makes me forget the white and grey of the outside world even exists. Sure, you do that too, but less with the instant gratification factor.

This is my progress after a couple of evenings’ work on the ‘Glowing’ hooded pullover from Inspired Fair Isle Knits by Fiona Ellis. I seized the idea about a month ago when I was rifling through the sale bin at Spun in Burlington and found several skeins of Mission Falls 1824 in different shades. They were marked down for being the last one or two skeins in a few different dye lots and I snatched ’em up. Then I came back home with them and compared the shades to the ones required for the ‘Glowing’ pattern and realized they were a match. I filled out the rest with a precision strike at Romni during their February sale, and then went to the Purple Purl for the many many main colour skeins (raspberry pink).

I actually started this last week then had to rip out and re-start when I realized my gauge was absolutely laughable and the seed stitch hem was flipping up to the point of rolling. I up-sized the needles, did a few rows of single rib instead of the seed stitch, and I was good to go. It’s bright, sunny, and is moving pretty briskly so far.

(Just don’t tell Venezia.)


  1. Dude!


    I need me some Mission Falls whiiiiiiiiiiiiine.

  2. Also, first! Haha, Steph, HAHAHAHAHA! X)

  3. So this fair isle addiction of yours…

    Both Glowing and Venezia look fab

  4. I haven’t seen the fair isle book, I have the cable one which is great. Must check it out!

  5. Wow, that’s some zingy sweater! I’m sure Venezia will understand…

    ‘Precision strike’? Inspired!

  6. ohhh Glowing.. Kai wants Glowing… Actually Kai wants Venezia too.. They both look fabulous. 😀

  7. that is so pretty……

  8. It’s looking fantastic! The colours go really well together.

  9. Gorgeous! and I can just imagine how wonderfully soft and warm that sweater is going to be… loves that Mission Falls!

  10. one cannot be blamed when there is such pretty, pretty yarn calling out to you!!!

  11. ladyoctavia · ·

    That’s going to be fabulous! (And visible from space!!!) But what a great way to overcome winter blahs, my black and grey stripped Jaywalkers are not good for that…

  12. absolutely fantstically colorful!

  13. So you just dove in without swatching? Good for you! That’s almost always my MO!!